Monday, August 31, 2009 9:40 PM
miss bby ♥todae went sch wif the guys as usual first period cpa sit wif shak maths was okay pe went to gym take tons of pics thxs saiful recess teachers' day celebration haha so high shot like hell mr shahril is back haha miss him alot haha after sch take pics wif ex-evgians went causeway wif seri went library read books n sms bby on the way back home saw wan n yasin den saw bby,emmirul n hairul bby send mi home back home mi sis friend at home bathe watch K.O 1 nap woke up meet the guys at zen's blk went for dinner slack at zen's blk at 9++ shijie send mi home thxs alot todae chat about alot of things haha miss the time wif them alot tml goin Seoul Garden wif the guys to celebrate ben/wenjun's birthday mi wallet gt a big BIG hole hope we have fun tml...
Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:04 PM
LAZY!!!n i miss bby... ♥todae wokeup at 7++ damn tired went to pray granduncle den went home didnt went to aunt shop cos veri tired so i told mum dat i gt homework back home dead on mi bed woke up at 5++ hang clothes watch tv doin homework didnt meet the guys todae cos lazy nw usin com pics of ytd take frm shak
Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:31 PM
♥todae woke up at10++ clean mi hamster cage it spend mi 1 hr++ fold tonns of clothes iron dad's shirt mum called n say washin machine inside to clothes go hang i was like...fed up hang clothes continue ironin dad's clothes den fold another ton of clothes later goin downtown to play FUCK DAT BITCH
Friday, August 28, 2009 7:58 PM
7:31 PM
♥todae went sch wif the guys as usual damn cold todae haha went to class leon say to mi "haha,happi la...patch back..." i was like "i didnt tell anyone except seri" i jux smile to him den marvin come to mi n say "congrats" i was like... okay go ask bs who tell them she say is her spreadin damn fast haha first period ebs doin paper and goin though paper second period chinese doin revison paper science gt back paper 1 i gt 25/40 TERRIBLE maths was okay tokin about bigbang n i'm nearly fall aslp in class recess ccd back home wif big banch of ppl n seri is disturbin mi ps u noe... xX shy Xx back home bathe meet seri under mi blk meet nad off to plaza sing the roy frm tagged sms seri alot of thing...BABY SERI... dun wish to continue writin if nt she will kill mi haha brought a file n buy mi hamster beddin damn heavy ok photo takin n sms mi baby seri join in too hhaha back home damn tired bathe watch tv smsin babynw nw usin com... pic of todae is wif nad bird nest for dinner n lunch for 3 days
Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:47 PM
♥HAPPI BIRTHDAY ALI! todae went sch wif marcus first period maths writin korean words again haha pe stay in class tokin about eyesight thing den cpa doin pratical again recess ebs goin through paper again eng doin revision paper damn bored n it was rainin heavily back home wif seri n nad tml goin PS wif nad n seri class celebration at sakura on tue haha
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:02 PM
♥ HAPPI BIRTHDAY BELLA! todaewent sch wif the guys as usual damn tired first period chinese tokin about 7th month science didnt gt back paper so doin revision paper ebs goin though prelim paper i gt 95 recess follow seri n nad eng was bored bella n pang fight becos they veri noisy have to write reflection maths was ok cos i writin korean words haha back home wif seri n nad reach home found out tat i didnt bring mi key so went seri hse watch G-Dragon haha so handsome hahahhhaha back home at 4++ bathe nap dinner nw usin com
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 6:02 PM
♥todae went sch at 8.30 meet the guys n sch saw something tat i didnt wish to see back to class first period pe play badminton wif bs accidentally hit her eye wif the shuttercock so sorri science didnt gt back paper cos teacher say machine spoil chinese tokin about atomic bomb maths goin though paper 2 recess den eng gt back paper i gt 57.7 -.- haiz maths remedial help the guys do corrections n listenin to songs back home bathe nap nw downloadin heartbreaker cos seri dunwan give mi
Monday, August 24, 2009 7:44 PM
♥todae went sch wif seri,shak n nad damn cold cpa doin pactical den maths lookin at magazine pe play badmnton wif seri,nadz,bella recess went to see nad play piano after recess chinese go bored feel like slpin the whole day sit at bs sit gt her attitude todae haha eng doin listenin compre i slp den ebs goin though paper den home period checkin the cca certificate back home after sch back home bathe slp woke up play com nw DAMN HUNGRY waitin for sis to come back
Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:09 PM
♥todae woke up at 9+ slept at 4++5 the day before dunno y cant slp went wheellock wif emma n sis emma wan buy craumper bag 124 dollars it's red n white haha went plaza sing buy "where gt ghost" de tickets long john for lunch emma brought ripple de slipper went to buy mi eye liner $13.90 didnt buy foundation cos not enough money watch movie kana scare alot of time after movie went to help aunt till9++ uncle send mmi home back home mum shoutin like siao cant be bothered back home bathe fold clothes nw usin com hope tml will be a better day
Saturday, August 22, 2009 12:21 PM
♥juz woke up all mi muslim friends are fastin noq havin sore throat n muscle ache later have to go to serangoon to help aunt will be back tml
Friday, August 21, 2009 8:17 PM
♥HAPPI 16th BIRTHDAY!!!(IBRAHIM) todae went sch wif the guys as usual ebs doin revison paper chinese gt back paper i gt 71/100 haiz science teacher nv come so chat wif bs about something important maths gt 81/100 quite happi but still gt careless mistakes bs cried because of her maths results comfort her recess back to class ccd was ok quite bored after sch back home nap off to 845 for badminton play wif a lot of ppl SORRY TO ALL THE PPL I ACCIDENTALLY HIT U GUYS SO SO SO SORRI!!! I DIDNT I MEAN IT... back home at 7++ bathe maggi for dinner usin com... kind of miss the chinese guys haha PICS OF YTD N THE DAY BEFORE IS AT AMIRA'S BLOG!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:36 PM
♥ todae went to sch wif the guys as usual maths mr lee nv come sad cos dunnoe result for maths pe playin badminton so fun cpa goin though paper i gt 85 deprove by 7 marks !@#$ need to study hard most of them careless sia eeeeeeeeee... eng teacher haven mark finish teacher ask to do work ask bs for paper she shout at mi damn fuck up sia tok to her nicely she give attitude after sch went admiralty wif ahmeera ice cream haha yasin,frog n syukri came den wait for bear went arzul hse hahaha play wif Alisha hahahhhhhahahaha damn cute in love wif her she smile at mi =) a lot of time haha nad n seri and her sis came off at 5 waited for bus DAMN LONG went to checkpoint wif ahmeera n nad accompany nad go buy her mum's dinner go see bs wif ahmeera she act like nv saw us sia roll eyes at mi seriously la sad ok we go see her den she treat us like invisible back home wif nad back home bathe usin com to bs: THXS ALOT FOR THE THING U GAVE TODAE
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 11:39 PM
♥todae woke up at 12++ mum keep callin mi to go to aunt place i told her tat i;m nt goin but she FORCED mi meet shak n mas bus to azrul hse meet the other at arzul blk went to arzul hse to visit him he was veri busy haha so tired nearly fall aslp there the food was nice...haha... play wif azrul niece DAMN CUTE feel like bringin her home haha bs came after her work went kfc for dinner bus back to north plaza den go rc chitchat back home SO TIRED...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:28 PM
♥todae woke up at 7++ meet the guys as usual breakfast studyin ebs back to class take attendance went to hall for EBS paper the paper was quite easy mi target is 95 hope i can achieve it break studyin for science paper 1 science paper was quite easy too haha juz hope to pass =) after science paper went back home changed off to serangoon help mi aunt damn tired i fall asleep in the train reach there lunch help aunt do things till9++ really cannt tahan already so didnt wait for dad back home by train wif mum buy things frm admiralty bus back home bathe usin com goin to bed REALLY SOON... n i found out something Chinese Ghosts Festival is on thursday nt sat haha have to stay at home cant go out =(
Monday, August 17, 2009 12:50 PM
♥todea went sch wif the guys as usual forget to bring entry proof science paper 2 DAM DIFFICULT leave 10 marks question BLANK cos dunno hw to do break eat n study for maths paper 2 studyin formulas the paper do nt need formula i was like study so hard nv come out... but at least the paper was easy haha back home wif seri,nad,shak back home bathe use com... todea is mi last day at rc... =(
Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:21 PM
♥todae woke up at 11++ went to aunt shop for lunch den help out went city link mall to exchange mi jacket at last mi sis take mine i take red n white mi elder sis gt red n white too for her friend back home at 6++ bathe subway for dinner went to rc study science it's so terrible so stress n TIRED back home at 9+ wif bear back home fold clothes later have to iron tonnes of dad clothes before slpin SHIT tml science paper 2 & maths paper 2 FAILING IN PROGRESS!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009 11:17 PM
♥Be honest no matter what, then tag at least fifteen friends. If you get tagged, pls do this note, tag fifteen friends. Tag the person who tagged you. 01. Who was your last text from? -Din 02. Where was your default picture taken? -In Parents' Room 03. Your relationship status? -Secret 04. Have you ever lost a close friend? -YES!!! 05. What is your current mood? -Tired & Confused 06. How many siblings do you have? -2 07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names? -Yi Ling & Yu Fen 08. Where do you wish you were right now? -On My Bed 09. Have a crazy side? -YESYESYES!!! 10. Ever had a near death experience? -NOPE... I'm LUCKY... 11. Something you do a lot? -Slack At RC 12.Angry at anyone now? -A Little 13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like? -Time & Peoples 14. When was the last time you cried? -Few Days Ago 15. Is there anyone you would do anything for? -I Think So... 16. What you think about when you are falling asleep? -Formulas(The night before Maths Paper) 17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? -Emma 18. What is your favorite song?- -Miss You-Westlife & It's Alright, It's Okay-Ashley 19. What are you doing right now? -Doin The Quiz...n Listening To Songs... 20. Who do you trust right now? -Myself 21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? -In School 22. Have you kissed someone in the past week? -NOPE 23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you? -Marcus 24. Describe your life in one word? -Tiring But Exciting 25. Who are you thinking of right now? -How To Ans The Quiz... 26. What should you be doing right now? -Using COMPUTER 27. What are you listening to? -No No-Raghav 28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug? -Forgotten 29. Who was the last person who yelled at you? -My sis 30. Do you act differently around the person you like? -NONONONONONO 31. What is your natural hair color? -Black 32. Who was the last person to make you laugh? -BOF(The Guys)HAHAHAHAHA!!! 33. Who was the last person to make you sad? -Secret 34. What do you hear? -Songs... 35. Is your hair curly or straight? -STRAIGHT!!! 36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before? -Nope 37. Do you have a best friend? -YA!!! 38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days? -Nope... 39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer? -Sometimes 40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? -NO 41. Are you happy with life right now? -No Really 42. Are you currently jealous? -YA...everyone is patching... 43. What jewelry are you currently wearing? -Ring 44. What were you doing on friday night? -Slack/Study In RC 45. Have you ever had your heart broken? -YES...NW... 46. Have you ever broken someone's heart? -Yes... 47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? -Nope 48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for? -Fever 49. How late did you stay up last night and why? -1++goin 2...Watchin Zhong Ji San Guo Wif Sis 50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? -NO tag 15 people? -Seri -Amira -Bella -Shak -Marcua -Wen Jun -Zen -Dianna -Nad -Yasin -Ibrahim -Bear -Ben -Emma -Yu Fen
10:53 PM
♥back frm serangoon went serangoon wif sis to help aunt wif her shop in mrt saw the guys chat wif them till i alight the train reach aunt shop do homework den help out got a customer order liao den say dunwan already eeee...cousin so angry haha dinner watch EOF back home so tired... TO: DIN Go eat ur medicine... if nt...U NOE RITE...
2:33 PM
♥todae woke up at 12++ KFC for lunch watch Zhong Ji San Guo wif sis hang clothes see mi baby hamsters damn cute 1 still pee on mi sis hand haha later goin serangoon rd alone so bored... will be back quite late TO:AMIRA N BEAR ♥LAST LONG♥
Friday, August 14, 2009 9:49 PM
♥todae woke up at 6++ meet the guys as usual CPA paper 2 was easy break CPA Paper 1 is shit scare will fail... back home bathe sit on mi chair n think of something nap woke up meet seri went to 846 there play badminton wif seri,nadz,ahmeera,bella,yasin n ibrahim play chitchat back home usin com chattin wif din...
Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:26 PM
♥todae woke up at 6++ waiting for message but nth forget to bring key first time nearly late for sch Maths paper was okay thxs Seri for the calculator lucky didnt wait for someone if nt no calculator todae after paper eat dad bring key to sch thxs haha went cauzseway wif seri n nadz first time went library wif them read alot of magazine borrowed 1 book called Love You Hate You Miss You after dat went to singapore post den go banquet for lunch back home bayje usin com... may nt be goin to rc todae...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:01 PM
♥jux now went causeway wif seri meet amira at b&s went to print amira's mum thing den went conics connection buy seri's BIG BANG things buy food frm mac went rc study formula sms him ask to lend calculator but he didnt reply cousin came look for mi hahaa he gave mi money to buy calculator thxs chitchat back to study play dunnoe wat game(dunnoe how to spell) emoing back home
2:21 PM
♥todae woke up at 6++ went sch wif the guys as usual assembly haha nt used to it yet Prelim chinese paper was ok 45 mins break went back class take Listenin Compre after tat wait for seri back home wif seri n nadz... back home bathe nap cos nt feelin well
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:20 PM
♥todae woke up at 7++ went shch wif wenjun cos all the guys late saw him went canteen for breakfast saw him but we didnt smile PRELIM!!! eng paper 1 was a little difficult... break lookin at pictures Eng Paper 2 was easy haha after sch walk wif bs rasull say hi twins i was like HUH? den his friend say "twins ar?" so funny haha bs was shock too haha chat wif arif awhile back home wif bs back home bathe usin com nw maybe goin rc again later
Monday, August 10, 2009 11:48 PM
♥jux nw went rc feel so nt right dunnoe y haiz doin ebsrevision paper went 883 wif amira chitchat came back went 883 wif shak tired back home at 9 thx...amira,shak,bella n wan for sendin mi home n wish ALL MI FRIENDS ALL THE BEST FOR PRELIM!!!
4:24 PM
♥ytd went for breakfast at taman jurong wif family n cousin after breakfast went jurong hill see all the tree planted by princesses and highness haha went Henderson Waves walk fun haha but hot back home went to find the chinese guys at zen blk ziyi birthday celebration den leon send mi go bus stop meet din n yasin went cityhall meet bear den wan came went peninsula meet fiqo went to esplanade see fireworks saw cicak n co. firework damn nice hahahha go find aideel n co. went to amk hub for dinner back to woodlands meet shak back home wif shak n yasin back home bathe off to bed DAMN TIRED!!! todae went to uncle shop for lunch chitchat juz came home later goin rc again tml start PRELIM already... STUDY...
Saturday, August 8, 2009 1:37 PM
♥MY NEW FAV SONG!!! A LITTLE LOVE *greatness as you smallest as me you show me what is deep as sea a little love,little kiss a litlle hug,little gift all of little something.these are our memories you make me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true you always stand by my side i don't want to say goodbye #you make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of love oh kissing you thank you for all the love you always give to me oh i love you repeat# yes I do ,I always do make me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true you always stand by my side I don't want to say goodbye repeat# to be with you, oh i love you
12:21 AM
♥jux now went down to rc din n wan are there den bear came shak came went 883 wif shak buy waffles haha came back saw khamis hhaha but he went off sadded... haha... study den din,bear,wan n frog went back left mi shak n her friend study till half shak call mi i look at her she say look i saw khamis haha SMILE to him shak n her friend went off at 11 slack wif,ben,elson,shijie elson injured so help him clean his wound shijie went home left mi ben n elson didnt went home cos hse no ppl so bored so slack till 12 back home thxs ben n elson for sendin mi back home...
Friday, August 7, 2009 1:25 PM
♥Artist : Vanessa Anne Hudgens Song : Come Back To Me Album : V Downloaded from : vanessaannehudgens.net "Come Back To Me" Lyrics : [Intro] HaHa! You all need to get ready to hear The unbelievable, Indescribable Vanessa Hudgens. Baby V! (Baby Come Back) Everyday, I try to play, another game But my heart can't take it. I try to find, another boy, But all the while, I can't face it. Why do I miss you so much? I wanna stop this hurt inside Oh baby please, give us one more try (Baby Come Back) I see you out with all your friends Laughin' it up as you pretend To have a good time, (good time) I know cause I'm living the same lie (same lie) So one of us has got to say We can't keep living this same way So I'll be the one Yeah I'll say it, I'll say it, I'll say it, I'll say it again Baby Come back to me In my heart I still believe We were meant to be... Together so whatever it takes (Baby Come Back) Baby come back to me I should have never set you free My baby Come back (Baby Come Back) I wanna call, but then I stall, Cause after all, I just couldn't take it Cause if your play was to push me away You know that day, my heart you'd break it (Baby Come Back) I know we made a mistake, (I do) Can't you stop your foolish pride (Oh no) And come back to me Let's try, Let's try, Let's try, Let's try it again Baby Come back to me (Come Back) In my heart I still believe We were meant to be... Together so whatever it takes (Baby Come Back) Baby come back to me I should have never set you free My baby Come back (Baby Come Back) [Bridge:] You know you miss your baby V And I can see that you think about me So why do you act like you don't care Like all this love between us isn't there I know that you're upset I know I did you wrong I know that you want me to pay for all the pain I've caused But in the end it all comes down to just one thing, It's you and me So I sing Baby Come Back! Baby Come back to me In my heart I still believe We were meant to be... Together so whatever it takes (Baby V!) Baby come back to me (Come Back) I should have never set you free My baby Come back (Baby Come Back!)
12:24 PM
♥todae woke up at 6++ reach marcus blk already den hungry so decided to got to sch alone call be accompany mi to canteen to eat back to class bs nv bring thermometer so accompany her lor marcus,wenjun n pang also went down kana caught by karen tan haha back to class ebs goin thought paper chinese doin alot of thing damn funny National thing after tat back home wif bs back home bathe use com lunch at night maybe goin rc...
Thursday, August 6, 2009 3:29 PM
♥todae woke up at 6++ went sch wif the guys as usual first period maths maths was ok chattin wif wenjun pe play badminton cpa doin practical recess ebs doin revision paper eng also after sch went 846 wif amira cos she wan me accompany her after tat back home bathe mum comin back SHIT!!! sad todae... cos i found out something i thought she love him but no sorry to someone i cant help u... i dunnoe y u wan to fight damn silly can its really nt because of khamis ok... to amira... dun think too much... Love cant be forced...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 9:38 PM
♥HAPPI BIRTHDAY AMIRA ♥♥♥ didnt day happi birthday to her cos all act like dunnoe dat todae is her birthday todae went sch wif seri first period chinese was ok science so bored ebs nth to do so drawing usin PAINT fun haha recess play piano again haha eng was ok doin 2 revision paper after sch have to stay back for e career thing chitchat went for e career thing after tat back home wif nadz n seri back home bathe nap went seri hse dinner was great hahha thanks alot seri went to rc onli seri n mi cos the guys all go buy cake for amira haha surprise back home after tat cos of some reasons sorri guys i didnt tell u all... n sorri to din... i'm nt in the mood jux now... so...sorri...if i say something rude...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 3:45 PM
♥todae woke up at 7++ went sch wif the guys went canteen for breakfast den shak,seri n nadz join us first period pe i lazy bring pe haha play badminton wif seri,amira n bella science BORED!!! chinese tokin about pledge n smoking thing maths drawing recess went hall play piano eng was ok after sch went canteen eat off to class for remedial mr lee haven come at 2.10++ so shak n mi decided to go home sorry to seri nv wait for u hope u dun mind back home bathe nap later goin rc to do maths paper...
Monday, August 3, 2009 11:00 PM
♥todae woke up at 6++ went sch wif seri first period cpa smsing khamis spelling haha maths markin paper pe play dodge ball recess went hall slack chinese teacher nv come mdm juliana came in we chat alot kind of miss her haha before she went off she cried eng doin paper ebs doin ne dunnoe wat thing den ccd do ebs correction i gt 90/108 fuck haha after sch back home cos dad gt buy food home bathe smsin khamis at 6++ went seri hse went rc do maths revision den play psp send seri home den went woodland mart find the guys back home wif shijie reach home tonnes of clothes for mi to fold I DID IT!!! damn lot la nw usin com i'm scare tat i will fall for him...
Sunday, August 2, 2009 11:17 PM
♥jux now went rc to study at first onli mi n mas den din n bear came n went off den wan came told mi about something so give him tips haha i spend mi whole night writin words n seein the guy hahahhahaha so handsome send amira to 912 bus stop wof wan tokin about "him" he say dat he got admirer frm sec3 i was like is his choice i cant force him to choose mi rite back to rc slack goin home the veri handsome guy wan mi num haha back home bring rocky go poo he is goin home later so sad i noe his name khamis haha smsin him nw...
4:52 PM
♥todae woke up go see the baby hamster den mi go see mi another hamster den saw 3 baby hamster i was like give birth again? haiz now gt eight haiz went for lunch den went causeway point wif sis buy hamster food n buy mi sis de prepaid goin back saw rasull n his friends back home change mi hamster bedding see all the red skin de hamster so cute took pics haha bathe rocky comb his fur he damn handsome haha but he is goin home tml so sad cant play wif him bathe usin com now later goin rc again... heehee pics for ytd is at shak blog...
12:13 AM
♥todae woke up at 9++ went seri hse give her straighter den her bro's girlfriend thought i malay so funny lor meet nad at bns went to IMM see Wilber Pan he damn handsome n cute haha long joohn for lunch went adidas shop see the price of the jackets didnt buy went to bugis seri wan buy specs haha she bought it nice but i disturb her go adidas shop saw a purple jacket damn nice 132 so didnt buy went city link adidas shop see decided to buy the ppurple 1 but dunhave so bought the green n silver 1 132 thxs seri for the 10 dollar haha no money liao lor meet shark,din,fiq,arzul n mas went to esplanade there see fireworks seri n nad went home first after seein train back to causeway went mac for dinner fiq told mi tat he like mi cos they close friend i dunnoe haiz went to circle green meet bear n wan back home bathe bring rocky to poo saw arzul n wan back home fold clothes nw usin com pics wif nadz... |
Yours truly, ![]() Borned On:09 November 1993 School:Bishan ITE Age:17 this year Horoscope:Scorpio Hit Counter With LOTS of Loves, Materialistic, Click for my wishlist!
Scream Love, Reminisce,
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♥♥♥海派甜心♥♥♥ TAE YANG ♥♥♥FAIZAL ISA♥♥♥ 4 CHARACTER JAPAN JAPAN PICTURES ☻☻Bangsters☻☻ ♥♥♥Emma♥♥♥ ♥♥♥Seri♥♥♥ Adalene Affandi Aideel Amira Baoshuang Bear Bella Ben BLOGSHOP Brandon Christine Clarissa Charmaine Daphne Dianna Elizabeth Emmirul Eunice Farishah Fidar Glen Grace Hairul Hweehwa Ibrahim Jasling Jieling Kenn Kexin Leon Limin Liyan Maisarah Marcus Meijun Meina Melissa(Cousin) Melissa Nadia Nicole Peishan Rosanne Sabariah Saiful Sarah Shakila Shann Ling Shazana Shi Jie Siixers Sufian Syafiqah Tingting Weiyee Wenjun Xiaohui Xiaopang Yasin Yanyan Yonghong Yufen Yuying Zen Zaki Zihan Applause, |
I Love You. |